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BECMUN'23 is an educational simulation of the United Nations, designed to provide students with a unique opportunity to learn about global issues, diplomacy, statesmanship, negotiations and International Relations.

About Us

Ladies and Gentlemen and Esteemed delegates we present to you the third installment of our conference, The BeaconHouse Educational Complex Model United Nations 2023. BECMUN'23 is an educational simulation of the United Nations, designed to provide students with a unique opportunity to learn about global issues, diplomacy, statesmanship, negotiations and International Relations. Our MUN conference attracts students from schools all over the twin cities. After BECMUN'16 and BECMUN'18, After 5 years in the making, we are finally back and we are better then ever, With utmost significance, we proudly introduce to you the highly anticipated event, BECMUN'23.



Visionary, Diligent, Proficient

As we gather here for BECMUN'23, I am filled with gratitude and excitement. Reflecting on the second edition of this event, I recall my innocent and youthful self seeing it as a simple carnival. However, it turned out to be so much more. It ignited a deep fascination within me, giving BECMUN significant meaning. Now, five years later, I am honored to lead our school and revive this prestigious event. Having attended numerous MUNs, I witnessed vibrant debates and observed dedicated host teams in action. Hosting an MUN and making a greater impact on my school has always been my ambition. With great pleasure, I, Muhammad Rohail Malik, your President for BECMUN'23, extend a warm welcome to all delegates. This edition promises to be the most spectacular yet, meticulously planned in every aspect. My team and I are committed to ensuring an unforgettable experience for both experienced delegates and MUN enthusiasts. Let us carry forward the legacy of our former Executive Council and our beloved Miss Reena Edgar. Best of luck to you all, and may you enjoy this event to the fullest!

M.AHMED (Secretary General)


I'm Ahmed Kashif, your Secretary General for BECMUN'23 and it is my job to ensure that you have a great time with us and that you gain the experience that you need. Starting my MUN career only because of a dear friend convinced me to and after that I couldn't hold back but to participate in every upcoming MUN and dream about hosting one which was only possible with our team's efforts and strong will. BECMUN'23 is an event that I hold very dear regarding their fact that 4 months ago we didn't think it was possible however it was the passion and the constant commitment that made this dream come true and for that I'll forever the grateful to everyone that made it happen. I'll ensure to have the best possible Secretariat for our delegates so they make the best out of their debates and gain help with their feedback.

M.HAMZA (Director General)


From being a person who never knew what an MUN was, he became someone who could stand up in a room full of named identities and speak with absolute confidence; and not owing allof this to MUNs would be unfair. The MUN society motivated him to become a more confident and diligent speaker by researching for hours. Despite not holding a very high position in the sphere of MUNs, he can assure that BECMUN’23 will not disappoint you; where delegates will be given equal chances to speak and open up to this highly socialized world. We hope that all of you make every effort to challenge yourself so that BECMUN’23 becomes a turning point in your lives. He will be cheering on for you, so go and give it your all! Happy Orating! Muhammad Hamza (Director General)

NIMRA ATIF ABBASI (Deputy Director General)

Conscientious, Astute, Adaptable

Initially, for me, MUNs appeared as a platform offering enticing benefits such as free food and concerts. However, it is with great pleasure that we emphasize the profound opportunities that this esteemed gathering presents, particularly to young minds. You can unlock a world of intellectual growth, personal development, and invaluable socializing opportunities. I extend a warm and cordial welcome to each esteemed guest present at this formal gathering. Nimra Atif Deputy Director general, BECMUN’23

ALIZAIN ANWAR (Under Secretary General)

Visionary, Diligent, Proficient

I still remember standing nervously on stage in grade 6, barely able to give my speech as first speaker in the parliamentary debates competition held in Lahore in 2018, and now, 5 years later, I stand In front of you as the USG of BECMUN'23. Although both parliamentary debates and MUNs differ a lot, they both allow us to bring out the best version of ourselves, when it comes to public speaking, confidence and being socially active. As the head boy of the school, and as a student who spent 4 very memorable years in the school, this would be probably my biggest input to this school. The idea of conducting the 3rd MUN event of BEC may have originated from a student council meeting, but was taken ahead by the most hard-working and enthusiastic students I have ever met, and we all guarantee to provide you the best from this O-level led event Insha'Allah.

MEHNAZ KHAN NIAZI (Under Secretary General)

Discerning, Sagacious & Charismatic

It is safe to say that 3 years from now I was completely unaware of what a MUN was, watching my siblings participate in them did not kindle my interests nor did they excite me until I attended one myself finding out that this event holds just so much more. It is an event that improves public speaking skills in individuals, encourages diplomacy and negotiations. Delegates find the perfect platform to test their potential, exploit their talent which they were unable to recognize otherwise. Moreover, this event brings with it a series of exciting socials which make it a memorable experience for the attendees. BECMUN’23 guarantees the delegates a phenomenal experience that incorporates all the aspects that a successful conference should possess.

DANYAL ROSHAN (Head of Host Team)

Sharp, energetic, xenial

As the Head of the Host Team, I extend a warm welcome to BECMUN'23. It is an honor to be part of this remarkable event, one that holds great significance in my heart. From the moment I was introduced to Model United Nations conferences, I was captivated by their power to inspire, educate, and empower young minds. The fascination I felt back then has driven me to work tirelessly to make BECMUN'23 an unforgettable experience. I have poured my heart and soul into every aspect of this event, ensuring that it surpasses all expectations. Prepare yourselves for a conference that will leave a lasting impact on your journey of personal growth and excellence.

ROHA Ghazanfar (Head of Host team)

Committed, Motivated, Dedicated

My first MUN experience remains vivid in my memory—the anxiety, the scribbles in my notebook, and the intense battles among talented delegates. Yet, the MUN society taught me that these debates not only foster social growth but also shed light on global events and atrocities. To those attending their first MUN, know that it helps you confront your fears, transforming you into a confident and reliable speaker through extensive research. Trust me, I've been there! I firmly believe that every courageous MUN participant deserves respect and a remarkable event. As Head of the Host Team, I guarantee that BECMUN'23 will exceed expectations, providing a secure platform for all delegates to express themselves. May this experience enhance your confidence. Best of luck,



BECMUN'23 is an educational simulation of the United Nations, designed to provide students with a unique opportunity to learn about global issues, diplomacy, statesmanship, negotiations and International Relations.
